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Linux mail command is a command-line utility that allows us to send emails from the command line. It will be quite useful to send emails from the command line if we want to generate emails programmatically from shell scripts or web applications. The mail command can be used directly by the terminal as well as the Shell script. However, many other commands are available in Linux that can be used to send the emails from the command line such as sendmail, mutt, SSMTP, telnet , and more.
In this section, we will focus on the mail command. Each package facilitates with different features and options. For example, the heirloom-matrix package is capable of using an external smtp server for sending messages, while the rest two servers use the local smtp server.
We will install the mailutils package, the most popular way to send emails from the command line. It supports the mail command to send the emails. It will verify the installation, type 'y' to confirm the installation. Consider the below snap of output:. It will start a daemon process and ask for the postfix configuration, select your desired postfix option.
Postfix interacts with the server to process requests. After selecting the postfix option, it will successfully install the mailutils package on your machine. It is important to know how the command is working. The mail command of the mailutils package invokes the standard sendmail binary to send the mail to a specified destination.
It means that a postfix that contains an smtp server should be running on our machine for using the mail command. If it is missing, we will get the error message like " send-mail: Cannot open mail ". Sending mails from the command line is a straight forward process. To send a mail from the terminal, execute the command as follows:.
The '-s' option is used to specify the subject. After executing the command, it will ask for the Cc address. Type the Cc carbon copy address; you can leave it blank by hitting Enter key. Consider the below output:. We can specify the subject and message in a single line. To specify the message body in a single line, execute the below command:. We can also fetch messages from a file. It is useful if we want to call the mail command from a shell script or other programs.
To send a message from a file, execute the command as follows:. The above command will send the message from the file mailcontent.
For quick, we can also use the below command:. We can also attach a bcc and cc address within a command. To attach a bcc and cc address, use the -b and -c options, respectively. Also, we can specify both cc and bcc addresses in a single command. Execute the command as follows:. The mail command allows us to add more than one recipient in a single mail other than cc and bcc. To add more than one mail address, just put the other mail addresses after the first mail address followed by a comma ,.
Consider the below command:. We can add the additional header information such as 'FROM' name and address to attach with the email. To specify the additional information with the mail command, use the -a option with the command.
We can also attach a file with the mail. The -a option is used to attach a file along with the mail. To add an attachment, execute the command as follows:. The mail command can be used to read all your incoming mails. However, it is not cool to read mails from the command line, but we can understand it for the shake of knowledge. To read the inbox mails, execute the mail command without any option as follows:.
The above command will display the manual of the mail command on your terminal. Press the 'q' key to exit from the manual and 'h' key for help. The help option lists more options to assist you. Consider the below image:. JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. Mail us on [email protected] , to get more information about given services. Please mail your requirement at [email protected] Duration: 1 week to 2 week.
Linux Tutorial. Linux commands List Commands with Example. Linux make command GCC Linux. Vi Editor 1 switch 2 move 3 jump 4 delete 5 undo and repeat 6 cut, copy, paste 7 cut, copy, paste blocks 8 Start and end 9 Joining 10 word 11 Search 12 Replace all 13 Text Buffers 14 Abbreviations.
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Installation of mail command in Linux The mail command can be installed by various packages such as: gnu mailutils heirloom-mailx bsd-mailx Each package facilitates with different features and options. To install the mailutils package, execute the below command: sudo apt install mailutils The above command will ask for a system password, type the password, and press ENTER key.
Consider the below snap of output: It will start a daemon process and ask for the postfix configuration, select your desired postfix option. There four postfix options are available for installation.
How does the mail command work? Send mail using the mail command Sending mails from the command line is a straight forward process. Consider the below output: From the above output, the mail will be sent to a specified mail address. Specify the mail body in a single line We can specify the subject and message in a single line. To send a message from a file, execute the command as follows: mail -s "Hello World" user yourmaildomain.
Specify the sender name and address We can add the additional header information such as 'FROM' name and address to attach with the email. Adding an attachment We can also attach a file with the mail.
- Anydesk uninstall command
Linux chmod command is used to change the access permissions of files and directories. It stands for change mode. It can not change the permission of symbolic links. Even, it ignores the symbolic links come across recursive directory traversal. In the Linux file system, each file is associated with a particular owner and have permission access for different users. The user classes may be:. The file permissions in Linux are the following three types:.
If you are a new user, you may get confused with the different types of letters used to set the file permission. So, Before proceeding further with the chmod command, let's understand the file permission syntax.
To set the permission of a file, execute a permission statement with the chmod command. For example, we want to set the read and write permission for all users and groups of file 'Demo. To display the file permission, execute the below command:. We can set permission for multiple files at once by using the chmod command. To change the file permission of multiple files, specify the file pattern with the chmod command. To view the permission of all text file from the current working directory, execute the below command:.
It will set the read and write permission for other users of the text files. Consider the below output:. We can use the numeric values instead of letters to specify the permissions. A three-digit value is used to specify the permission. The leftmost digit represents the owner u , and the middle digit represents the group members g. The rightmost digit represents the others o. JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services.
Mail us on [email protected] , to get more information about given services. Please mail your requirement at [email protected] Duration: 1 week to 2 week. Linux Tutorial. Linux commands List Commands with Example.
Linux make command GCC Linux. Vi Editor 1 switch 2 move 3 jump 4 delete 5 undo and repeat 6 cut, copy, paste 7 cut, copy, paste blocks 8 Start and end 9 Joining 10 word 11 Search 12 Replace all 13 Text Buffers 14 Abbreviations.
Next Topic Linux chown command. Reinforcement Learning. R Programming. React Native. Python Design Patterns. Python Pillow. Python Turtle. Verbal Ability. Interview Questions. Company Questions. Artificial Intelligence.
Cloud Computing. Data Science. Angular 7. Machine Learning. Data Structures. Operating System. Computer Network. Compiler Design. Computer Organization. Discrete Mathematics. Ethical Hacking. Computer Graphics. Software Engineering. Web Technology. Cyber Security. C Programming. Control System. Data Mining. Data Warehouse. Javatpoint Services JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. The user classes may be: owner group member Others Everybody else The file permissions in Linux are the following three types: read r write w execute x Let's see how to change the file permission using the chmod command.
File Permission Syntax If you are a new user, you may get confused with the different types of letters used to set the file permission. To set the permission of a file or directory, we have to specify the following things: Who: Who we are. Which: Which of the permissions? The user value can be: u: the owner of the file g: group member o: others a: all The permission types can be r, w, and x.
Setting and Updating the Permissions To set the permission of a file, execute a permission statement with the chmod command. To display the file permission, execute the below command: ls -l Demo.
Setting Permissions for Multiple Files We can set permission for multiple files at once by using the chmod command. Consider the below output: From the above output, many files have only read permission for other users. Consider the below output: Numerical Shorthand We can use the numeric values instead of letters to specify the permissions.
The following table represents the digits and their permissions: Digits Permissions
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